Thursday, April 9, 2009

Blogger Down

(my road shoes, covered in my own blood)

On Tuesday morning while I was ridding my road bike and heading to the office, a smart car traveling in the opposite direction pulled out in front of me to make a left hand turn. I was going about 20 mph and didn't see him until it was too late. I hit the car, flipped and rolled over the top and came down on my feet. I took a few steps to the side walk, and noticed there was blood pouring out of my kit. Apparently the bike rack on top of the car, punctured my side and fractured my pelvis. I was just released from the hospital this morning and they tell me it will take 6-8 weeks for my hip bone to heal. But other wise I'm ok.

Needless to say I won't be putting in any time in the office for the next few days. So ill have plenty of time to sit around at home and try to catch up on posting the rest of my photos from the San Diego show

(above Moth Attack)


Unknown said...

Holy Shit. Get well soon!

WheelDancer said...

Bummer dude! Glad it wasn't worse but what we need more than smart cars is smart drivers. I hope they were ticketed and will be giving you a blank check to that high end bike shop that's been supplying you with porn models. I'm assuming the bike didn't fair as well as you did...

I suppose this means that snobby will have a graphic artist at his disposal for a while?

Winter Bicycles said...


Glad to hear you made it out "okay" considering. Sorry about the hip!

Glad to meet at the show, just popped by to say hello, and I hope the healing goes quickly!

libertyonbikes! said...

so you cleared the car?
and landed on your feet?
talk about ninja skills...

so, DO YOU get to file a claim
since HE pulled out in front of YOU?

looks like a couple days on the
beach for you,

BTW is that last green bike a WINTER?

surprised you just didn't knock the Smart car right on it's side.
maybe they're built like
weeboo woobles.

erik k said...

oh ya, im filling a fuckin claim. You know it's funny my girlfriend said that same thing, that is about knocking the smart car over

ant1 said...

Sorry to hear that K. Hope you're able to get back on the bike soon. Same thing happened to a buddy of mine, he flew over the hood, bounced off the windshield and landed on his feet, but he came out fairly unscathed. Although "it could have been worse" isn't much consolation, it's nice that you're still around, and apparently in good enough spirits, to talk about the accident. Enjoy your unfortunate excuse for a vacation. I'm looking forward to your posts in the coming days.

kale said...

Get well soon.

The left hook is a rarity to survive, lucky you. I had the right hook happen a couple times when I was a teenager and a little more pliable and rolled over truck hoods completely unscathed. It sounds like the compactness of the car was a bad thing - if it was a H2 you would have just broken a clavicle.

The irony of the bike rack causing so much damage is too much to take.

You should check this out:

Bike Lawyers


Glad to hear it wasn't worse, lucky it was a smart car and not an escalade. Hope your recovery is paid for and quick.

frankielof said...

Wow! I was curious as to why no recent posts, thought maybe just spending more time training. I've been hit twice (both times before the standard use of helmets), and both times survived with minor injuries. I'm glad that your injuries are the kind that will heal and soon enough you'll be on the road again. The killer is that this guy has a bike rack on his car, but of course is too lazy to take it off when not in use. I'm sure he bought a Smart Car for the gas milage and then leaves a rack on top when not in use!!

Get Well Soon.

bikesgonewild said...

...fuck, dude...glad you're reasonably ok as opposed to the alternative...

...not to be negative, mr k & i hate to say it but even if the driver is a cyclist & showed "concern" for you at the accident site, get a good lawyer or at least legal advice 'cuz his story is guaran-fucking-teed to change when he talks to his lawyer... always does & you shouldn't be unprepared for that...

...get better, bud !!!...

erik k said...

mr wild, yes I've informed him he will be hearing from my laywers

Never Knows Best said...

Shit man,glad you're not dead

Aaron Edge said...

"What we need more than smart cars is smart drivers."

True... get better man!

Will Handsfield said...

Yikes! I recently was doored by a cab here in DC, and luckily a well-trained cop showed up and gave the passenger who threw the door open a ticket. I walked away, but just the checkout in the ER ran up to $1200, so claim is forthcoming on mine. That and my bike tracks a degree to the right now. I think they should buy me a new one.

Just relax and recover, even though you'll go bananas sitting still. Years of future riding will thank you for your patience at recovery.

Stevil said...

The only blood I ever want to see pouring out of my kit is somebody else's.
Here is to hoping you feel a little bit better every day.

erik k said...

Stevil, thanks for the slightly creepy words of encouragement, and yah every day is a little better than the last

Groover said...

Just found out about your crash from WheelDancer's poem. Get better quickly.