I have found myself increasingly unwilling to write this bike review. Even as I type this,
I'm thinking about how I really need to be cleaning the drive train on my commuter... and its 9:30 already. Plus I can't shake the feeling that whatever I wrote for part one was total crap. I got all excited about doing a demo, and going out and ridding a totally awesome and completely unjustifiable bike. It's like some rich guy just handed me the keys to his Ferrari, and says, "see if you can shift into 6
th, without pushing the clutch". Under no circumstances would I ever own a Ferrari, much less drive one
regularly. But if you gave me the keys to one for the weekend, you better make sure you get your tires inspected afterwards.

That's pretty much how I feel about this bike. And is it good for getting coffee? I cannot think of a more satisfying and sincere way to travel the type of upscale establishments
which purvey fine goods, such as grossly
over sized Lattes and
strudels. All of course while
hanging out in a trendy upscale neighborhood, so you can fully
indulge your gloated sense of self importance.

Bottom line: People will be
jealous of you when you are ridding this bike, unless you are going up hill and they are passing you.
Plus it's really, really fast... unless of
course your going up hill. Oh yeah, and one more small thing... because of the carbon wheels, the breaking sucks. If this sounds like your kind of bike, you likely already own one.
As much as I wanted this review to be over. I also demoed 11
sp, which I have written virtual nothing about.. 2 whole lines? Since that's probably the only thing your really wanted to hear about I've saved that for last. Coming in Part 3... after I take a few days off from bike reviewing.
Please tell me you had on a yellow jersey.
That would have sealed the deal with the coffee shop cougars. Kinda like a Bizarro "trackstand in alley" hookup in SoCal.
"So I met Janene as I was adjusting the float on my Speedplays next to a Peet's Coffee. Next thing I know she came home with me and I was adjusting her..."
Nice bike, for real though. Brake pads - are they carbon specific ones?
again, i'm just jealous.
warm weather frigid
campy 11 campy 9
jersey 2 layers thermals
new loaner old & used
'so what are you doing tomorrow?'
oh, thought i'ld take the bianchi
out, get some coffee (iced) and
take in the beach scenery - if you know what i mean. and you?
'well. put on two layers of thermals, wipe the salt and grime
off of the bike, fight the rush hour traffic, with two lanes pressed into one due to all of the snow. oh, and tomorrow we might reach a high of 10. degrees that is, not awesomes on the awesome factor.'
summary: you live my dreams.
actually, i don't even dream that good.
lets see what else they'll let you demo.....
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