I first spotted this one on bicycle design blog. I immediately thought it looked like a very slick well thought out city bike. Aesthetically spot on, even though it somewhat resembled the design on the loathsome soft ride, road bikes. My first impression told me this bike is different the disc brakes, what appears to be 700c wheels, and the all enclosed internal gearing drive train all lead me to this conclusion.
However I was still curious about the design and followed some links to the company site, which I will post more on later, to learn more about the design. This design also looked like it might be fold able, my suspicion was confirmed when I found the page on the company site featuring the bike, unfortunately is was only in the German section so i can't tell you much about what it said. I was however able to get some screen grabs and string together a folding sequence.
I would definitely like to seem more bikes designed like this one, not even necessarily folding bikes. Just more cool high end utility bikes for every day ridding and touring.

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