When I first saw this photo, I actually thought it was a motorcycle and not a bike. Well at least I hoped it was, somewhere inside I didn't want to admit to myself that someone could build bike a this horrible. But my eyes could not hide from the truth in front of them, there was indeed no engine, and in its place a set of cranks. I asked my self but why?

And then there was this bike. This is hand made carbon fiber build, normally I'm not a proponent of euthanasia, someone please put this bike out of its misery.
...hey, what did i say about people & their dream bikes ???...
i'm more terrified that it can stand up by itself. dude.....pedal bash=death.
were it green, it would remind me, disturbingly, of a praying mantis.
good point "pedal bash=death."
but slightly before death, and directly after pedal bash anyone watching would get the amusement of witnessing what carbon fiber engineer's refer to as:
"catastrophic structural failure"
The carbon bike looks sharp, almost a TREK (slightly down sloping tube) gone wild.
...ron, i've always kinda liked that top tube slant myself but i wish there was a better shot of the rear dropout area...i also wonder if he built the whole thing or modified something existing, which 'could' be dangerous...
...anna & eric k, he may have that thing in just the right balance on the tip of the toeclip...
...it's an interesting frameset, but a little shy of elegance in my book...
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