Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Dark ages are nearly over

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Road to Roubaix
Showing in SoCal during the Tour of California!- February 21, Pasadena -Vosloh Forum Hall - 7:00 PM
The movie is showing at the Pasadena City College the day the Tour of California swings into town (Feb.21). Between now and January 24th everyone gets two tickets for the price of one! Go here for tickets and information. Link
the bike is a Cento Uno
It has come to my attention recently that people are in fact reading my blog. I now even have (update) 9 followers. I use the term, “Reading” loosely because that would imply that I actually write something, on a regular basis with some level of competence above that of a high school freshmen. But thats ok, I know when people say, “I enjoyed reading a post today on k-wall blog” (and yes someone has actually said it) they really mean, “I liked looking at the pretty pictures of the really expensive bikes”. However I do realize, dear reader that you must have many questions. Questions like, “what’s the deal with all the expensive bikes? where do they come from?, what’s the point of this blog? why is there a seal driving a boat? I’d like to day I could provide you with answers, but I really can’t. The blog is what it is, and Im kind of just along for the ride. I can reveal to you however, that the steady stream of high end bikes is made possible by a good relationship I have, with two dudes who build and sell absurdly nice bikes. In many ways blogging is like many things in life, where 70% of it is just showing up and looking the part. You can pretty much fudge the rest.

Monday, January 26, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Bike Demo Part 3

*"Ksyrium equipped" does not mean I am ridding a Ksyrium Equipe wheel set. I am in fact ridding a on set of Ksyrium SL Supperlight Premiums, one the most redundant product names in of all of road cycling.

So now that we know the brakes actually do work. So what about the shifting and the hoods themselves? The front shifting was excellent, up shifts felt noticeably easier complemented by the short throw required to execute an up shift. Plus, despite my best efforts I was completely un able to drop the chain.

The rear shifting I was slightly less impressed with. First off I didn't like the new feel of the thumb lever. To me it felt cheep and tinny, and way to easy to click down. I'm a fan of the stiffer feeling springs, like the ones featured on the astronomically overpriced Campy Record Red series. I've even considered upgrading to those springs in my shifter (you can by the springs for like $10, which was the only difference other than the red paint job on the front) On top of that the shifting just didn't feel amazing, but I think it need some adjustment anyways so I won't judge it completely based off this test. I didn't however ever really notice the extra gear, it just felt like the same old low gear to me. It just takes you longer to get there. I should point out that this bike was equipped with standard gearing and I normally ride a compact. If the bike had had a compact crank and an 11/25 cassette, then I certainly would have noticed a difference with the lower gear ( I ride an 11/23).

As for the hoods and levers themselves I'm still not a huge fan. They felt really weird at first, and I slowly got used to it as I was ridding. The bend in the top of the lever did seem to give you a good grip when breaking. But at the same time the shifter lever for your index finger, seemed to be now just out of reach of my finger. I could just barely get to it. The thumb lever seems the same, except for its new whimpy feel. But for me what it all comes down to is, after I was done ridding and the bike was returned to the shop I got back on my trusty old bike and road home on my Chours 10 speed levers and they felt just right. So I guess I'll just have to come to terms with it, I am now officially a "retrogrouch" Which brings me to my next point, why the hell does Campy Record 10 spd cost more than Campy Record 11 spd??? It kind like when Apple started doing those glossy screens as optional. At first nobody seemed to like them so, they made them standard. Now they charge an upcharge to get the regular plane old screen on your new computer, fucking marketing.

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